Newsflash! Or should that be Moosflash?

Disaster has struck. I’ve had to go on a dairy free diet for the sake of my breastfed son who may be cow’s milk protein intolerant. I’m normally pretty unsympathetic with people who require special diets, especially if I invite them round for dinner. Well, I’ve become one of those people.

A selection of things I can no longer eat: pastry, cake, biscuits, some bread, nutella, Walkers salt&vinegar crisps (who’d have thought it?), cheese, pizza, custard, Indian food (made with ghee), brioche and so on. I will plough ahead with recipes. Sometimes I’ll make a dairy free alternative using soya or oat millk etc., but sometimes I’ll just make the real thing and my husband will be the grateful recipient.

I was feeling sorry for my son as he grows up and has to take his own dairy-free cake to parties. But then I realised he’ll probably fit in fine with “gluten free Olivia” and “little Oscar only eats organic.” Maybe there’s a career in there somewhere – organising specialist diet kids’ parties.